About us

Združenie Čechov a Slovákov pre Zachovanie Národných Odkazov,
Sdružení Čechů a Slováků pro Uchování Národních Odkazů,
The Czech and Slovak Heritage Association
of Maryland, Inc., the CSHA is dedicated to providing education in the language, culture, traditions and history of the Czechs and Slovaks.

Founded in 1994, the Czech and Slovak Heritage Association was created to:

As of January 26th, 2024 the 2024-25 Officers and Board of Directors were elected:

Petr Justin - President
Dana Petran - Vice President
Lois Hybl - Secretary
Zuzana LaBuff - Treasurer

Ann Zelenka
Barbara Vann
David Mitchell
Fran Vojik
MacLean Lunko
Margaret Supik
Robert Horel
Russ Rezek
Zoe Hruban

Membership is open to all persons interested in furthering the purposes of the CSHA. We’d love to have you as a member of the association.

CSHA on facebook   